ecopolis – again(st) nature

Sun 18.10.2020
11:00 - 18:00
Visuel Ecopolis 2020




debate, lecture


Presale € 5


in French and Dutch

Do you associate Ecopolis with alternatives and idealistic ecologists? Not so fast! This annual event is for everyone who values a sustainable future. During one day, thinkers, activists and artists from Belgium and abroad come together to reflect on the fundamental social, ecological and economic issues of our society.

Met de recente opstoot van het Coronavirus hebben Kaaitheater en Ecopolis beslist om dit jaar geen publiek in de zaal toe te laten. Deze editie wordt dus een volledig online gebeuren. De lezingen en gesprekken worden zondag 18 oktober rechtstreeks uitgezonden vanuit een studio op de scène van het Kaaitheater, met simultaanvertalingen in het Nederlands, Frans en Engels, en gelegenheid tot online interactie.Kocht je een ticket voor een enkel dagdeel van Ecopolis, dan krijg je vrijdag een zoomlink doorgestuurd om de héle dag online te volgen.
Kocht je zowel een voor- als namiddagticket, dan krijg je een zoomlink en €5 terugbetaald.

Again(st) Nature

Anno 2020. Nature is on fire, from Australia to the Ardennes.Forests are felled, no more insects on the windshield, concrete everywhere, a million species are in danger of extinction. A virus turns the world upside down. The exploitation of nature is threatening our existence. Vulnerable groups here and in the South are facing even harder times.
How much longer do we saw off the very branch that supports us? Or do we change course?

Ecopolis 2020 puts the finger on the pulse and looks ahead.What are the post-corona challenges? How do we feel part of nature again? How do we restore the balance? How does this support a vigorous climate and nature policy? Which transitions are necessary ― urban, agricultural, etc. ― for a society that respects people and nature? And gives everyone prospect of a good life.

reflections and debate

Passa Porta once again contributes by commissioning two Belgian authors: the poet-critic Paul Demets and the prose writer and essayist Christine Van Acker, both of whom are deeply concerned about the link between man and nature. But what is "nature" at the present time? The fruit of the critical reflections of Demets and Van Acker forms their contribution to Ecopolis 2020 and feeds the debate at the Kaaitheater.

about the authors

For four years, Paul Demets (1966) observed, as the officially appointed rural poet of East Flanders, plants, animals and people and reflected on our relationship with nature. His latest book of poetry De Hazenklager (De Bezige Bij, 2020), in which anthropocentrism is overhauled, is an ardent plea for accepting otherness, strangeness and ambiguity.

Christine Van Acker is author of ‘L’en vert de nos corps‘ (2020, L’Arbre de Diane), a collection of poetic fragments oscillating between the intimate and the scientific, Christine Van Acker takes us on a discovery of the plant world.

org. oikos, kaaitheater, passa porta et de nombreux autres partenaires

photo paul demets © Stephan Vanfleteren
photo christine van acker © thierry van roy

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