Federico Falco
Foreign authors

Federico Falco (1977) is an Argentinian writer.
He was born in General Cabrera, a village in the interior of Argentina bordering the dry pampas. A writer and video artist, he has published the short-story collections 22 patitos (2004), 00 (2004) and La hora de los monos (2010), and two books of poetry: Aeropuertos, aviones (2006) and Made in China (2008).
In 2010 Granta selected him as one of the Best Young Spanish-Language Novelists, and in 2017 A Perfect Cemetery was finalist for the García Márquez Short Story Prize.
His novel, Los Llanos, was finalist of the Herralde Prize, one of the most prestigious fiction prizes in the Spanish-speaking world. He now lives between Argentina, Madrid and New York.