Literary oracle

Sat 25.03.2023
13:00 - 17:30
Literair orakel




in dutch and french

Soothsaying and oracles have been around for centuries and have not infrequently crossed paths with literature. As Hugo Claus once put it: the poet is a seer. Sorcery in all its forms is one of the connecting threads of the Passa Porta Festival. Where better to have your future told than at the place where superstition and coincidence meet: the National Lottery building. Faites vos jeux!

Our literary witches will set to work with two oracles. Queue up for a session with the literary witch oracle that predicts the future by means of such symbolic figures as Virginia Woolf, Sappho and Forough Farrokhzad. You can also immerse yourself in the tarot game created by Virginie Despentes with tattoo artist La Rata.

Coming soon at