Annemarie de Gee

Foreign authors
04/09/2023 - 03/10/2023
Annemarie de Gee copyright Keke Keukelaar

Annemarie de Gee (1987) broke through with the short story collection Kamermensen, which was named one of the best debuts of 2012 in Trouw. She was the Dutch delegate at the International Book Festival Budapest and subsequently received two grants from the Dutch Foundation for Literature to write novels. De kus van een clown was published in 2015. In 2019, she published the narrative mosaic Ik, moeder, in which she gives the mother as a literary character existence.

Her latest novel De winters was published in February 2022.

Besides fiction writer, de Gee is founder of Het Schrijfcentrum, and directs audiobooks.

foto Annemarie de Gee © Keke Keukelaar