Mini Word Market

A booth with nothing to sell but with some unusual market vendors at the Vieux Marché aux Grains / Oude Graanmarkt! Come and listen to stories that emerged from the city’s writing workshops, and feel free to take the mic to tell your own story or poem.
Brussels is buzzing with stories! All over the city, people are putting pen to paper to share theirs – alone or in groups, in their spare time or in workshops. The festival invites them to present their texts in public, whether these texts emerged in the writing workshops for new arrivals at Cinemaximiliaan, in the workshops at De Markten or on their own kitchen table!
Drop by the Mini Word Market and discover the stories that the city’s writers have to offer or share your own. You can register for the open mic on the spot. Some of you might even be bold enough to play music or to sing a tune …
bridge stories : 15:00 - 16:00
BRIDGE STORIES is a storytelling performance and is the result of a series of workshops where global citizens who occupied the bridge in front of Le Petit-Château joined forces with friends of Cinemaximiliaan, to share and write stories about Refuge. Bridge stories aim to give newcomers a mic, a stage and to let them be heard, as we might have forgotten that they are human beings who are seeking home, shelter, or refuge!
Org. Passa Porta, Cinemaximiliaan, DeMarkten
picture © Cinemaximiliaan
Coming soon at

Het debuut: leesclub met Nikki Dekker
Ga in gesprek met andere lezers én schrijfster Nikki Dekker over haar debuut diepdiepblauw. Een geprezen essayistische roman over het onstuitbare verlangen naar onbekende plekken.

writing away from home
Alicja Gescinska and Sigrid Bousset present the special issue of the literary magazine DW B on writing in exile. What does it mean for a writer to leave their homeland?

Meet the author: Eleanor Catton
Ten years after conquering the world with The Luminaries, Booker Prize winner Eleanor Catton presents its successor, Birnam Wood. Annelies Beck will talk to her about this psychological novel in which ecological challenges clash with ideological differences.