5 Events found
Meet the author: Jente Posthuma
Neem deel aan een van de leesclubs bij Replica of Passa Porta over de prachtige en internationaal opgemerkte roman van Jente Posthuma over afscheid, rouw, jaloezie en verbondenheid, en stel op woensdag 18 september je vragen live aan de auteur in Muntpunt.
Meet the author: Justin Torres
What has become of the great American novel? Find out with Justin Torres, whose second novel, Blackouts, won one of literary America’s most prestigious prizes, the National Book Award.
Meet the author: Alana S. Portero
As part of the Fame Festival 2024, a performing arts festival that highlights the artistic work of women and gender minorities, we welcome Alana S. Portero, who, with Bad Habit, has delivered a noted and poignant debut.
Conversation entre Kev Lambert et Emmanuelle Bayamack-Tam
Qu’ont à se dire la littérature et l’enfance ? Dans leurs nouveaux romans, le Québécois Kev Lambert et la Française Emmanuelle Bayamack-Tam/Rebecca Lighieri explorent à leurs façons aiguës l’imaginaire enfantin et adolescent. Loin des clichés du genre.
Meet the author: Colm Tóibín
The story of Eilis Lacey, the main character in Colm Tóibín’ bestselling novel Brooklyn, ended with her last-minute decision to turn her back on Ireland again and return to New York. How her story unfolded there is something we can now read about in the sequel Long Island. The author will talk about it in Brussels with Annelies Beck.