2022 - Amandine Gay

Foreign authors
03/10/2022 - 01/11/2022
2 Amandine Gay Deferlante

Amandine Gay (1984) is a filmmaker, academic and activist who divides her time between research and creation.

After Ouvrir La Voix (2018), her first movie giving a voice to twenty-four-year-old afro French-speaking women, she makes her second documentary, Une Histoire à Soi (2021). In 2015, she wrote the preface of the first French translation of Bell Hooks’ classic, Ne Suis-Je Pas Une Femme, and participates in various anthologies, such as the Black Anthology: Adult Adoptees Claim Their Space. In 2018, she starts ‘le Mois des Adopté.e.s’, a series of events happening every November in Switzerland, France and Québec, which gives adoptees the opportunity to claim their history for themselves. In September 2021, she publishes her first book, Une Poupée en Chocolat, an autobiographic essay about adoption.

She then decides to explore the comic book form to explore the multiple shapes white supremacy takes, and spread strategies to survive them. During her residence at Passa Porta aims to complete the scenario so she can then present it to illustrators.

foto © otto zinsou