2023 - Rudi Meulemans

Flemish authors
01/11/2023 - 30/11/2023
Rudi Meulemans c Anneleen Hermans kl

Rudi Meulemans (1963) lives and works in Antwerp. He had been running his own theatre company De Parade for 25 years when he turned his full attention to writing.

In his first three literary non-fiction books, Meulemans explored what the relationship of art can be with, successively, sex, society and politics. During his residency at the writers' appartment on Het Spui in Amsterdam, he is working on a new book about the relationship between places and artists, about how the city can change artists and about how, conversely, artists can change the city.

This residency has been made possible thanks to an exchange between Flanders Literature, the Dutch Foundation for Literature, and Passa Porta.

See also the author's website

Photo: Anneleen Hermans