passa porta festival ouverture in word and image
Reni Eddo-Lodge, British author of Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race opened the seventh edition of the Passa Porta Festival by reading a letter to her readers. Eddo-Lodge exchanged thoughts with Dorrie Wilson on her relation to the reader(s). Does she think about her readers when she writes? What is a good reader? And what is she herself reading?
Later that night Samira Saleh hosted the Slam Night at the Beursschouwburg. With slams provided by Joëlle Sambi, Amerah Saleh, Loucka, Aru Lee and Sefora Sam, we opened this four day celebration of literature with a bombardment of new perspectives, from the vulnerable and intimate to the in-your-face!
'The work of anti-racism feels like shadow boxing, like fighting ghosts.'
I would like to tell stories, I would just rather not make them up.
Pulsing with personality and passion, that's how I want my non-fiction writing.
It’s unfortunate, but cynicism is a place that activism can take you if you’re not careful.
I know you've tried to help everyone you've ever met but have you ever met yourself?