Meet the author: Timothy Garton Ash

Drawing on half a century of meetings, interviews and his own family history, historian and professor Timothy Garton Ash describes how Europe recovered after World War II. How, rebuilt, liberated and united at the start of the twenty-first century, it came close to the ideal of unity, freedom and peace. Until everything faltered.
In conversation with Karel Verhoeven, Timothy Garton Ash will unravel Europe’s recent political history and delve into the current crisis. From the 2008 financial crisis to the war in Ukraine. Everything we have achieved in Europe is now at stake. With Homelands, Timothy Garton Ash calls on us to defend what we have achieved.
about the author
Timothy Garton Ash (b. 1955) is professor of European Studies at Oxford University. For half a century, he has been reporting on European politics. He has witnessed some of the continent’s most dramatic events and interviewed its leading protagonists. His essays have appeared in The Guardian, The New York Times, De Standaard and NRC, among others. Homelands is his eleventh book. His work has won numerous awards and is published in twenty-two languages.
about the moderator
Karel Verhoeven (b. 1970) is a journalist. He has been the editor-in-chief of De Standaard since 2013.
ORG. Passa Porta, De Geus, L&M Books
picture © Ashonder
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