The word an island

One of the things the writer and visual artist wants is to be swallowed up by the text and by extension by literature. In Maarten Inghels’s new performance, the word functions as a life buoy and paper as a refuge.
The writer will walk the streets of Brussels in a paper costume and install several paper tents. On each tent he will paint the names of writers past and present who have had to flee (and who have sought a safe haven in literature, an island they could retreat to). One of the things the writer and visual artist wants is to be swallowed up by the text and by extension by literature.
about the artist
Maarten Inghels (b. 1988) is a multidisciplinary artist, poet and writer. In his poetry collection Contact, Inghels combined poetry, visual work and actions that arose during his tenure as Poet Laureate of Antwerp. His poems have appeared as tattoos or surveys in which he questions the state of society. His latest book is the acclaimed novel Het mirakel van België, which is about his experiences with the world’s greatest con artist.
Foto : Maarten Inghels © Catherine Lemble
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