Sun-Mi Hwang & Bart Moeyaert
practical information
In order to attend the event, you will be required to have a Covid Safe Ticket. With this CST, social distancing and the wearing of a mask will no longer be mandatory (although the mask is still strongly recommended).
A unique encounter between East and West. Sun-Mi Hwang is one of the most loved and popular authors in South Korea. Her clear style has endeared her to young and old. During this exceptional author visit, she will talk to Bart Moeyaert, a writer who, like her, effortlessly breaks down age barriers with readers.
The work of the South Korean Sun-Mi Hwang is immensely popular in her own country. Her compelling stories, written in a flawless style, were initially intended for younger readers. But they also became immensely popular with adults. Over the past decade, she has also found a large readership on the international stage. Her book The Hen Who Dreamed She Could Fly has been adapted into a comic strip and filmed. The Guardian has described this simple, comic story about a chicken that tries to escape her battery cage as an ‘instant classic’.
At the invitation of the Korean Cultural Center and Passa Porta, Bart Moeyaert will talk to Sun-Mi Hwang. This promises to be a unique encounter between two versatile authors who know how to fascinate young and old with stories exploring universal themes such as love, mourning and forgiveness.
The moderator of this conversation will be literary journalist Katrien Steyaert.
Sun-Mi Hwang (b. 1963) is a South Korean author. She writes for young and old. When she was young, she was too poor to attend primary school. A teacher gave her the key to a classroom so that she could read books whenever she wanted. This eventually enabled her to study. Her work has been translated into many languages. She lives in Seoul and is an adjunct professor in the Faculty of Literature of the Seoul Institute of the Arts.
Bart Moeyaert (b. 1964) writes prose and poetry for children and adults. His work has earned him the Zilveren Griffel, the Vlaamse Cultuurprijs, the Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis, the Noorse Oversetterpremien and the Gouden Uil. For his oeuvre as a whole he has received the most prestigious award for children’s literature in the world: the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award.
Organisation: Passa Porta, Korean Cultural Center
picture bart moeyaert © susanne kronholm
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Het moeilijke tweede boek – Patricia Jozef, Sanne Huysmans en Anneleen Van Offel
In 2017 waren Sanne Huysmans en Patricia Jozef twee van de nieuwe stemmen die hun eerste boek kwamen voorstellen tijdens het Debutantenbal van Passa Porta. Anneleen Van Offel zette drie jaar later haar eerste literaire stappen. Nu publiceren ze alle drie, bijna gelijktijdig, hun “moeilijke tweede roman”. Maar is dat echt zulk een grote stap? Journaliste Sofie Mulders vraagt het hun op 12 september.
Passa Porta Leesclub: Jente Posthuma
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