Annelies Beck & Ece Temelkuran

Two writers and political journalists who also are old friends will meet up at the festival to compare their views on today’s world. Ece Temelkuran will present her latest book, How to Lose a Country, The Seven Warning Signs of Rising Populism (Fourth Estate, 2019). Annelies Beck recently published her second novel, Toekomstkoorts, about ambition, idealism and perfectibility in Brazil and Flanders.
About the authors
Ece Temelkuran (b. 1973) is a Turkish writer and journalist. After a number of articles that criticized the Turkish government, she was fired from Habertürk. She currently lives in Zagreb and publishes columns in, among others, The Guardian and Le Monde Diplomatique. Recent book titles include Turkey: The Insane and the Melancholy, which Temelkuran discussed at the previous Passa Porta Festival, and her latest book How to Lose a Country: The Seven Warning Signs of Rising Populism.
Annelies Beck (b. 1973) is a writer and journalist known for the current-affairs programme TerZake. She studied history in Ghent and Brazilian studies in London. She has made a documentary about her great-grandfather, who stayed in Glasgow during the First World War. In her successful first novel, Over het Kanaal, she wrote about Belgians who fled to Scotland during the First World War. In 2015 she released Toen de zee stil was, a philosophical picture book. Toekomstkoorts is her second novel.
Book signing
Ece Temelkuran will sign her books at 16:30 in the Beursschouwburg. Books will be for sale at the signing.
Passa Porta, Ambo|Anthos, De Geus, Beursschouwburg
photo Annelies Beck © Eveline Renaud
photo Ece Temelkuran © Bart De Moor
photo Passa Porta Festival 2017 © Beniamin Boar
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